Die Fledermaus Takes Shape
Continuing on the interlude build project, even though all the parts for BAAH-1 have arrived. The picture shows the rocket as things are taking shape. The MMT is installed, except for the aft centering ring. There are two centering rings now in place: forward and mid; the mid will serve as the forward structural element in the equivalent of the fin can assembly, and the aft CR, which will go on after the three fins are attached, will do likewise, since both are (or will be) epoxied not only to the MMT and the airframe, but also to the fin tabs. A U-bolt as attached to the forward CR, serving as the mount point for the recovery system.
Just forward of the mid CR, a nylon lock nut is epoxied to the inside of the airframe. A rail button will be screwed into that nut after the rocket is painted.
The three fins are all cut out and shaped, along with a spare. One fin slot is cut, allowing for a general idea of how the rocket will look.
The latest sims show about 300 meters altitude on a G64, allowing for a nice flight at NASA Ames if the winds are calm. Up at the Ranch, an H97 (once I get the L1 cert with BAAH-1) should yield right around 500 meters. If I’m really confident in the build techniques and materials, an H268 will hit nearly 900 meters.