Peeling Warps
After all that work to get the wraps down well, it’s time to peel up a few small sections. Some of them are at the gaps between edges of a wrap, and in some of these I didn’t go nuts trying to get those edges down, knowing that a tunnel cover would run over that. But, in some cases, it seems that the CyA wicked much further under the wrap than I’d have liked, especially at the forward end of the first stage tunnel cover.
It’s painful.
It would have helped, I think, if we’d had some written instructions to browse: it’s very difficult to browse quickly through the video instructions. A few more specific hints in the sections on attaching the wraps (e.g., “avoid getting glue under this-and-such part of that-and-such wrap, because you might want to remove that part of the wrap when attaching the tunnel covers”) would really have helped, I think.